International Conference on Advanced Polymer Science and Technology (Program of 2019-ICAPST)
Jan. 17th, 2019 (Thr.) Queena Plaza Hotel (https://www.queenaplaza.com/tainan/), Tainan City
Place: Queena Plaza Hotel, 1F lobby
Welcome reception
Jan. 18th, 2019 (Fri.), Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan City
Time |
Program |
08:00~09:00 |
Registration (Building E, 13F lobby) |
Place: International Hall (Building E, 13F, E1301) |
09:00~09:10 |
Opening Remark |
09:10~10:10 |
Polymer Society Member Meeting |
10:10~10:25 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Prof. Wen-Chang Chen (陳文章, President of the Polymer Society, Taiwan) |
10:25~11:00 |
IN-P01 |
Plenary speech I
Prof. Kookheon Char (President of PSK)
Materials Innovation for Sustainable Growth: Sulfur Hybrids |
Chair: Prof. Jen-Lien Lin (林正良) |
11:00~11:35 |
IN-P02 |
Plenary speech II
Prof. Chuh-Yung Chen (陳志勇) (Dept Che Eng, NCKU, Taiwan)
危機、轉機、商機 |
Chair: Prof. Chuh-Yung Chen (陳志勇) |
11:35~12:10 |
IN-P03 |
Plenary speech III
Prof. Jen-Lien Lin (林正良) (Consultant of Material and Chemical Research Laboratories, ITRI, Hsinchu, Taiwan)
產業創新高端高分子材料技術發展 |
12:10~13:30 |
Lunch |
2019 International Conference on Advanced Polymer Science and Technology
Place: International Hall (Building E, 13F, E1301) |
Chair: Prof. Yi-Ming Sun (孫一明,Dept Che Eng and Mat Sci, Yuan Ze University) |
13:30~14:00 |
IN-K01 |
Keynote speech I
Prof. Xiao ‘Matthew’ Hu (Director, Environmental Chemistry and Materials Centre, NEWRI, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)
Some aspects of stimuli responsive soft matters and their applications |
14:00~14:20 |
IN-I01 |
Invited speech 1
Prof. Ho-Hsiu Chou (周鶴修) (Dept Che Eng, NTHU, Taiwan)
Bioinspired Materials and Their Applications |
14:20~14:40 |
IN-I02 |
Invited speech 2
Prof. Hiroshi Yabu (WPI-Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
Synthesis and Applications of Catechol-Containing Adhesive and Reductive Polymers |
14:40~15:00 |
IN-I03 |
Invited speech 3
Prof. Eunji Lee (School of Materials Science and Engineering, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST), Gwangju, Korea)
Supramolecular Nanowire Assembly of Conjugated Polymers |
15:00~15:20 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Prof. Jui-Che Lin (林睿哲, Dept Che Eng, NCKU) |
15:20~15:50 |
IN-K02 |
Keynote speech II
Prof. To Ngai (Department of Chemistry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China)
Polymer Coatings with Tailored Morphologies to Control the Corrosion Resistance of Magnesium Rods in Biological Fluids |
15:50~16:10 |
IN-I04 |
Invited speech 4
Prof. Mei-Chin Chen (陳美瑾) (Dept Che Eng, NCKU, Taiwan)
Near-Infrared Light-Activatable Microneedle System for Treating Superficial Tumors by Combination of Chemotherapy and Photothermal Therapy |
16:10~16:30 |
IN-I05 |
Invited speech 5
Prof. Dr. Rusli Daik (Centre for Advanced Materials and Renewable Resources, Faculty of Science and Technology,
University Kebangsaan Malaysia, Selangor, Malaysia)
Biodegradable polymer organogel as a carrier for topical drug delivery |
16:30~16:50 |
IN-I06 |
Invited speech 6
Prof. Ching-Yi Chen (陳靜誼) (Dept Chem Eng, NCCU, Taiwan)
Stimuli-triggered Polymeric Micelles for Cancer Therapy |
16:50~17:10 |
IN-I07 |
Invited speech 7
Prof. Chia-Chih Chang (張佳智) (Dept Appl Chem, NCTU)
Unlocking Functions at Interfaces: From Responsive Oil-in-Water Droplets to Mechanochemically Active Polymers |
18:10~20:30 |
Banquet at San-Lian Memorial Gym (三連堂) (Building Y in Campus Map) |
Jan. 19th, 2019 (Sat.), Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Tainan City
Time |
Program |
08:00~09:15 |
Registration |
Chair: Prof. Eamor M. Woo (吳逸謨,Chair Professor, Dept Che Eng, NCKU) |
09:15~09:50 |
IN-P04 |
Plenary speech IV
Prof. Hsin-Lung Chen (陳信龍) (Chair professor, Vice Dean of Eng College, NTHU)
Complex Nanostructures from Dendrimer-based Supramolecules |
Chair: Prof. Hsin-Lung Chen (陳信龍) |
09:50~10:20 |
IN-K03 |
Keynote speech III
Dr. Yang Kook Kim (Vice-President of PSK)
An overview of optical films for the flexible display including foldable mobile phone |
10:20~10:40 |
Coffee Break |
Chair: Prof. Ying-Chih Liao (廖英志,Dept Che Eng, NTU, Taiwan) |
10:40~11:10 |
IN-K04 |
Keynote speech IV
Prof. Ken Nakajima (Dept of Chemical Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan)
Time-temperature superposition principle at nano-scale |
11:10~11:30 |
IN-I08 |
Invited speech 8
Prof. Hsien-Yeh Chen (陳賢燁) (Dept Che Eng, NTU, Taiwan)
Manipulating Cellular Activities Based on Vapor-Deposited Polymer Coatings |
11:30~11:50 |
IN-I09 |
Invited speech 9
Prof. BongSoo Kim (Dept of Chemistry, UNIST, Ulsan, Korea)
High Performance Difluorobenzothiadiazole Based Conjugated Polymers for Organic Thin Film Transistors |
11:50~12:10 |
IN-I10 |
Invited speech 10
Prof. Chi-Ching Kuo (郭霽慶) (Dept of Mol Sci Eng, NTUT, Taiwan)
Multifunctional RGB-Switchable Electrospun Nanofiber Chemosensor and Water-Resistant Efficient Stretchable Perovskite-Embedded Fiber Membranes for Light-Emitting Diodes |
12:10~13:30 |
Lunch |
Chair: Prof. Yeong-Tarng Shieh (謝永堂,Dept Chem Eng and Mater Eng, NUK) |
13:30~13:50 |
IN-I11 |
Invited speech 11
Prof. Se Hyun Kim (School of Chemical Engineering, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan, Korea)
Micro/nano-patternings of solution-processable organic semiconductors for high performance organic thin film transistors |
13:50~14:10 |
IN-I12 |
Invited speech 12
Prof. Yeo-Wan Chiang (蔣酉旺) (Dept Mater Optoelectr Sci, NSYSU)
Trapping Structural Coloration by a Bioinspired Gyroid Microstructure in Solid State |
14:10~14:30 |
IN-I13 |
Invited speech 13
Prof. Jeung Gon Kim (Dept of Chemistry, Chonbuk National University, Jeonju, Korea)
Solvent-free Mechanochemical Polymer Synthesis |
14:30~14:50 |
IN-I14 |
Invited speech 14
Prof. Chih-Feng Huang (黃智峯) (Dept Che Eng, NCHU, Taiwan)
Polymer Topology Control by Reversible-Deactivated Radical Polymerization and Preparations of Functional Nanomaterials |
Place: International Hall (Building E, 13F, E1301) |
15:00 |
Closing Remark |